CNVC Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, Mediator, Healer, Author, Grief Counsellor, Executive Coach
Lives in Dharamshala, India
Reena Ginwala
Resilience is a blessing of living a life of courage, authenticity and purpose… I am blessed to have Nonviolent Communication skills, consciousness and practice to sustain a life of my choosing. I am keen to connect with you, listen, learn and celebrate as I share my lived experience and wisdom to contribute to a natural flow of giving and receiving that makes life more wonderful for one and all
What I Offer
My vision is about personal empowerment, inner peace, inclusive and sustainable growth for all and an evolved state of the human collective. To this end I have continuously trained herself and created tool-kits and designed initiatives for schools, colleges, corporates, NGOs, conscious communities, youth, professionals and individuals.
I have a huge interest in ‘Personal Accountability to the We’ and Conflict Resolution through Mediation. I am committed to courageous engagements in socio-political spaces to impact systemic change for safety, empowerment and harmony in our world.
Reena believes that many of us are reflective and responsible individuals but at a collective level, we struggle to bring inspiration and synergy to make the difference to manifest an inclusive world that respects diversity and thrives because of it. Her mission is to work through the hierarchy and power-over systems to function at optimum capacity and celebrate life!
Area of Work Engagements

- Mediation, Conflict Resolution
- Compassionate Education Systems in Schools, Colleges
- Systemic Change through deeper understanding of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Decolonizing Power and Privilege
- Strengthening Family and Interpersonal Relationships
- Leadership (including organizational culture and executive coaching)
- Empowerment of Youth, Women
- Counseling
- Social Change – Personal Accountability to the We, Developing Individual Vision, Effective Functioning of NGOs
- Spirituality and Inner Work
- Radical Processes for Resilient Intentional Communities
Author and Creator of Transformational Toolkits
An author and creator of transformational facilitation tool kits like the Kabir Saamagri, Ahimsa Saamagri and Vivekananda Saamagri– a board game, she conducts sessions for corporates, colleges, schools, NGOs, professionals, intentional communities and open programs. As a mentor she brings healing and well-being to individuals and groups. She enjoys learning, growth and contribution within different groups and communities. Her focus: Facilitation to transform energy and mind set towards life choices that help individuals and groups to thrive in professional, personal and societal spaces.

Kabir Saamagri
Kabir Saamagri, is a tool kit to explore the Sufi wisdom of Kabir; the mystic weaver poet who lived in 15th century central India
What we are searching for in material things, in relationships, in ‘doing’ all that we do as a way of living our daily lives – lies within, Kabir the mystic weaver poet says. Let us go back ‘home’ to our divine mystic within and from that deep connection with self, reconnect with the world outside!
To explore personal space and reflect on our experiential truth and connect to our authentic and divine self within, here are 10 essentials I have valued:
- Love
- Hope
- Gratitude
- Power of Speech
- Power of Intention
- Being Love
- Equanimity
- Integrity
- Oneness
- Purpose of Life

Vivekanand Saamagri
A board game for Critical Thinking and Transformative Action
Life is about thriving and manifesting the grand vision of our soul. Vivekananda Saamagri is a toolkit for critical thinking and transformative action emerging from courage and authenticity. The player is able to dissolve his/her ego and bring integrity in the work and authenticity at home. He/she is then able to review and redefine life’s aspirations and purpose.
The benefits
- To Harvest values of integrity and equanimity.
- To develop critical thinking ability and trust our intuitive power.
- To support self-evaluation, introspection and overcome inhibitions.
- To connect with self and others, to enhance the risk taking ability and creative problem solving skills

Ahimsa Saamagri
Ahimsa Saamagri is a box containing Feelings and Needs cards in addition to flash cards on the basics of Nonviolent Communication. This easy to use toolkit helps us engage with an intention to connect, attention in the here and now and compassionate presence to encourage life serving choices in relational spaces as well as in our inner environment.
We can free ourselves from the limiting beliefs based on guilt, shame and anger that is judgmental and evaluative. Transforming Guilt and Shame, we fulfil our needs for acceptance, belonging and dignity and emerge as wholesome beings. Life experiences at personal, professional and social levels shift from survival energy to a capacity to thrive.
Ahimsa Saamagri is an invitation to step into the transformative power of Nonviolent Communication brought to us by Marshall Rosenberg who was inspired by principles of Ahimsa from Gandhiji and Martin Luther King Jr experiments with Nonviolent Resistance. For more on Nonviolent Communication: www.cnvc.org